Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I get asked a lot of different questions, some of these are below. There are more FAQs in each program page. If you have a question that isn’t answered below, please contact me. 

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No, I work with people from all types of career who are ready to make a shift. I have coached entreprenuers and individuals with corporate careers at all levels.

If you are keen to learn and grow, you are ready.
The artists and the content in my programs and courses cover a wide range of experiences. Right now we have people inside our program who are just beginning and many with over 20 years of exhibiting experience.  Your attitude matters.
Group coaching can be enjoyed at all levels and for individual coaching, everything is tailored to where you are at.

Time is a juggle for us all to manage as best we can. But if you want to make a change, you have to change something.
Having said that, you still get to go at the pace you want and we cover strategies for managing your professional development time too.

If you have a couple of hours a week that you are prepared to give something up for, then you have plenty of time for our group program. Or you can opt for one on one coaching with just one session per month. It’s up to you.

Coaching with The Artists Business Lounge in both the programs and individual coaching. helps you to reach your goals quicker. 
Let’s break this down.
1) Coaching is a legitimate business expense. If you are registered as an artist who can claim expenses, this may also be tax-deductible in your jurisdiction (I am not a financial advisor, and I don’t know your situation or where you live hence the word ‘may’. Check with your accountant if you want to be sure).
2) You get information that will allow you to make shortcuts, significant shortcuts. Information I have gathered from my 20+ years exhibiting, art school and ongoing professional development, and you get coaching support. All of which has the potential to bring a positive ‘return on investment’ swiftly.

3) Payment plans are available

And if you truly can’t afford it right now, you are welcome to hang around, read the blog, sign up to the newsletters for access to free information and occassional free classes.

Do the work and it will work to improve your results.
Of course we can’t guarantee specific results like, say an exhibition at MOMA, but everything you learn working with a coach in either a program or one on one sessions is designed to move your forward when you do the work.

That you show up and be willing to dig deep, to be challenged and supported and to do the work.

It’s your program so you dictate the pace and what’s most important for you at this time. I am all in for your success so you can progress, so I simply ask that you are all in too.

I work with visual artists of all kinds. What they all have in common is a desire to create a more successful art career – whatever that means to them. Some of the artists are just beginning their careers, some are several decades into their careers and anywhere in between. There are many different ways to be an artist, and I work in alignment with their individual vision so they can succeed as the kind of artist they want to be.

See that chaise lounge in the logo? That’s deliberate. Think of the group programs as hanging out with like minded friends.
It’s relaxed but committed, and often it’s fun. In fact the social connection is one of the top reasons they love the program – for the introverts and extroverts alike.

Book a ‘Let’s Chat’ call so you can get to know me.

Check out my socials and any of my free content, If you want, ask one of the artists who has worked with me what they think.
I’m straight up but kind, I can be a bit goofy at times. I care and want you to succeed. And I want you to feel great about your decision, so feel free to ask me questions and have a chat before you commit.

I sure do. If you join one of my group programs you have the first 14 days to make sure it’s what you were hoping for. If it’s not, just email to organise cancellation.

For one-on-one coaching, please contact me to discuss your commitment.

There are no refunds available for Digital products such as donwloadable ebooks. 

Honestly, none. Let me explain… 

I’ve seen people do brave, impressive things and make great leaps. It’s an honour to support artists to succeed and I can guarantee that I will show up for you 100%, that I’m bringing all of my experience to every single one of our calls.
But each artist’s progress, growth, joy, and success belongs to them.

I will bring you information, support, strategies and insights that will create the conditions for success. It’s up to you to take the action.

I am in AEST timezone (Brisbane Australia). I am available at different times to accomodate other timezones and have coached artists in a number of countries.
Our group program has calls at different times and all calls are recorded so they can be watched whenever it suits each person.

Depending on your timezone, and your schedule will depend on whether we can make one on one appointments work. Get in touch if you’d like to discuss this further.

Yes we do. 
But you know what else? Our artists sell more art once they join because of all that they learn and all that they do. 

So yes we do, and we’d love for you to know how to make your coaching fees back through your art business

I’m always here. For artists who join the Success System program, there is an option to stay on monthly after their initial period. And so far this is a very popular option.

I continue to celebrate and cheer on the artists I meet in The Artists Business Lounge and, I’m always just an email away. Of course, you also have the option to continue working together and I offer a range of different options to do that.

You can fill in the contact form, email me directly at or book a ‘Let’s Chat call’

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