No, I work with people from all types of career who are ready to make a shift. I have coached entreprenuers and individuals with corporate careers at all levels.
If you are keen to learn and grow, you are ready.
The artists and the content in my programs and courses cover a wide range of experiences. Right now we have people inside our program who are just beginning and many with over 20 years of exhibiting experience. Your attitude matters.
Group coaching can be enjoyed at all levels and for individual coaching, everything is tailored to where you are at.
Time is a juggle for us all to manage as best we can. But if you want to make a change, you have to change something.
Having said that, you still get to go at the pace you want and we cover strategies for managing your professional development time too.
If you have a couple of hours a week that you are prepared to give something up for, then you have plenty of time for our group program. Or you can opt for one on one coaching with just one session per month. It’s up to you.
Let’s break this down.
3) Payment plans are available
And if you truly can’t afford it right now, you are welcome to hang around, read the blog, sign up to the newsletters for access to free information and occassional free classes.
Do the work and it will work to improve your results.
Of course we can’t guarantee specific results like, say an exhibition at MOMA, but everything you learn working with a coach in either a program or one on one sessions is designed to move your forward when you do the work.