Being Visible

  • How To Be More Focused with Your Marketing


    Without marketing the only people who know you are the people who already know you.

    So many artists tell me they don’t like the word ‘Marketing’ (or the word ‘selling’ for that matter). But if you want to grow your audience, then marketing is essential.

    But it’s not that bad. Here is the thing…

  • 12 Instagram Tips for Artists and a P.S

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    There is so much information available on how to use Instagram and why it’s a great platform for artists. However, since a lot of artists are still struggling to optimise their Instagram, I thought I’d share 12 tried and true tips. #1How do you want to be showing up? Use your Instagram to reflect that. […]

  • Table 21 – The Artists Business Lounge Exhibition

    Exhibition Invitation

    In late 2020 The Artists Business Lounge was launched. The exhibition ‘Table 21’ was created as an opportunity to strrengthen ‘art business’ skills and knowledge, with all of the artists involved in various aspects of the exhibition organisation and installation. With a wide span of exhibting experience from none to many years, artists were able to sparticipate in areas they wanted to strengthen.
    Table 21 was hosted at Finite Art Space, in Brisbane in late September