
  • Achieve Your Art Goals in Just 3 Extra Hours a Week

    achieving your art goals Time

    “I’m too busy” is a common refrain.
    While we do seem to have lots of obligations and competing needs, often the feeling of busy-ness comes from uncertainty and not being aware of just how much time seepage there is in our days. Or we can even feel like that if we have simply told ourselves we are too busy so often we have come to accept it as true, without questioning it.
    In this blog post, I share with you a method for claiming back unproductive time so you can make more of your art career and business.

  • Why I Recommend Artists Use Journaling as a Business Strategy

    smartmockups l3covxh1

    Artists use sketchbooks all the time. But what about journaling? Well, it is a great practice that can add more ease and flow into your life, reduce stress and limiting beliefs, help you resolve issues and achieve your ideal artist life. Curious? Have a read of this blog post

  • One Question to Get Clear


    Clarity – A simple yet powerful question Get Clear A while ago as we were coming to the end of the first quarter, the artists in the program got together – as we do each quarter – to review their progress and make plans for the next three months. It was a fabulous session because […]