
  • Unlocking Your Financial Success Through a Positive Money Mindset

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    Your relationship with money is a critical factor in your journey as an artist. Introducing a more positive money mindset into your life can substantially boost your earning potential and pave the way for profound financial success. It may sound simple, but the truth is, an unhealthy money mindset is one of the most insidious barriers that can curtail your ability to thrive as an artist.

  • Why a Fixed Mindset Might be Holding Your Art Career Back and What You Can Do About It

    growth mindset

    A fixed mindset is counterintuitive to creative practice. But do you have a fixed mindset when it comes to your art business? If you do, you may be getting in the way of your own success. Find out more about Fixed Versus Growth Mindset, why a growth mindset is important to creativity and to your business.

  • Why You Need Your Subconscious On Board for Art Career Success

    subconscious, brain, mindset

    Did you know that your subconscious mind is in charge of 97% of your actions and only 3% of your brain’s processing power, is used by your conscious mind?
    Sure that 97% controls things like breathing and that 3% is pretty powerful.

    But it is only 3%, which is pretty tiny. So that means strategy, ‘how-to’ information, talent and willpower will only get you so far – unless your subconscious is also on board.

    That’s why I am a believer in skillset, toolset and mindset as part of any development work.