• Why You Need Your Subconscious On Board for Art Career Success

    subconscious, brain, mindset

    Did you know that your subconscious mind is in charge of 97% of your actions and only 3% of your brain’s processing power, is used by your conscious mind?
    Sure that 97% controls things like breathing and that 3% is pretty powerful.

    But it is only 3%, which is pretty tiny. So that means strategy, ‘how-to’ information, talent and willpower will only get you so far – unless your subconscious is also on board.

    That’s why I am a believer in skillset, toolset and mindset as part of any development work.


  • Table 21 – The Artists Business Lounge Exhibition

    Exhibition Invitation

    In late 2020 The Artists Business Lounge was launched. The exhibition ‘Table 21’ was created as an opportunity to strrengthen ‘art business’ skills and knowledge, with all of the artists involved in various aspects of the exhibition organisation and installation. With a wide span of exhibting experience from none to many years, artists were able to sparticipate in areas they wanted to strengthen.
    Table 21 was hosted at Finite Art Space, in Brisbane in late September


  • Increase your confidence

    sydney rae geM5lzDj4Iw unsplash

    Confidence is a skill that can be developed through practice. Having a lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem can affect nearly all areas of your life – and as an artist if you have low confidence it can entice you to stay in your studio making your work and avoid putting your work or yourself […]